
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Corporate Greed Lobbies for More

The Coalition for Vehicle Choice "lobbies against government fuel-economy rules" (from cbsnews.com). So this article is from 2002, and perhaps I should have noticed a long time ago, but that doesn't change the fact that there is a group that lobbies against government fuel-economy rules. If that doesn't scream irresponsible I don't know what does. It's the epitome of corporate greed, most recently brought to you by Enron.

I almost feel like lobbying should be outlawed. Special interest groups should be barred access to lawmakers. They obviously have an agenda, and it is not always in the best interest of the consumer. The food industry has lobbyists telling Congress they should vote against regulations, the meat-packing industry is doing the same thing. Who cares if our meat comes bundled with e. coli? It's all about how much of a profit the industry can make without getting sued. And when it does, it lobbies to the lawmakers and tells them to write up a bill to cover its ass if someone tries to sue them again.

This is all a bit extreme. I am aware of that; however, doesn't it seem logical that our lawmakers should be looking out for the common good of the people? The electorate put them in office, not the lobbiers. In this world everything does boil down to money. And freebies and perks act as currency in the big game of influence in Washington. Getting paid meals, charter flights, and other such luxuries in exchange for a vote is what I call bribery.


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